Open Forum

To make Edward King Centre as widely available as possible, much of our content is for general public access. This includes a library of downloadable dissertations, essays and other materials by former students and the academic community associated with the College.

There is an annual Edward King lecture, around 8th of March each year in commemoration of his anniversary. A high-profile keynote speaker will explore a theme of public theology and its application to real world social concerns, and the lecture will be delivered live from this context, and the recording made available here.

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St Stephen’s House – recordings on Soundcloud

The ordinands at St Stephen’s House have been recording musical offerings on the ‘Soundcloud’ platform, and we are linking to them from this page. These resources were created between 2020 and 2022 as a way for the Ordinands at St. Stephen’s House to practise independently for leading the singing at services. Hence, the recorded hymnody for feast days in the Office book covers the dates of the Oxford academic terms, and the psalms that could be sung of an evening across the year.

For the Offices:
The Office Book recordings are drawn from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, with plainsong hymnody from various Breviary traditions, and psalmody according to the text of the Revised Psalter that C.S. Lewis worked on.

Music for the Mass:
The Latin Mass settings are taken from the Graduale Romanum, while those in English use the Common Worship texts. These have been sung in House over recent years, and will be commonly sung in future parishes (settings of Merbecke to the texts in Common Worship and Roman Missal were created as a supplement to the more common BCP text setting).

Advent Retreat Music:
The Advent Retreat is a short week of extra devotional time at the end of the Michaelmas Term. All the Offices are sung, with the little hours Sext and Compline added (in BCP language, but using the Roman structure). These recordings cover what is to be sung from a special printed booklet over the time.

Holy Week Music:
Holy Week is held in House once every two years, with services from Palm Sunday Evensong to the Easter Day Mass. Tenebrae (a combined service of Mattins and Lauds) on Wednesday evening is largely drawn from Francis Burgess’s simplified setting for the eve of Maundy Thursday. Held by candlelight, it is complementary to the sequence of readings and psalms at the Easter Vigil. Chants at the Masses over the week are drawn from the Graduale Romanum, with the necessary Proper texts sung in English (largely taken from Palmer & Burgess’s Plainchant Gradual) to aid devotion over the holy season.

Sung Readings at Mass:
The Sung Readings are the final piece of the jigsaw. They are according to the Common Worship Lectionary (using the New Revised Standard Version of the Scriptures). The Gospel is sung at every Mass on Sundays in House, while the first and second readings are also sung on special feasts and solemnities. The first reading is set to Tonus Prophetiae, the second to Tonus Epistolae, and the Gospel reading to the Tonus ad Libitum, prior to the minor revision of tones seen in the latest Roman Missal. These recordings give the necessary cadence points in the readings, and can serve as a template for use with other tones (such as a more solemn tone for special feasts, or for the Gospel). 

notes by Tristan Meares, Ordinand and one of the House Musicians for 2021-22
